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4 Items to Remove from Your LinkedIn Profile
LinkedIn is often the first place where a potential employer or networking contact will learn about who you are and what value you can...
These 4 Common Mistakes Could Be Hurting Your Networking Game
Networking can be fun, I promise. It’s about finding your support crew and helping one another advance in your careers. There are a few...
Create Your Networking Lists
It is very common to assume that your network is too small or cannot help with your job search needs. Trust me, your network is bigger...
7 Things to Consider Before Choosing a Coworking Space
Don’t coworking spaces seem cool? They can conjure images of a life of beer on tap, collaboration, and innovators solving the world’s...
4 Things You Must Do If You're Considering A New Career
It's time! You're going to make a career change. You know the job you want. Now what? There are many paths to finding the right job, and...
Create and Cultivate Your Leadership Brand
Every professional has a brand even if you’re not so sure what it is. People are talking about you, so it is essential to know what they...
The Secret to Authentic Networking
The word "networking" has been corrupted. Let’s stop thinking about volume and immediate results in networking, and start considering how...
Laying the Groundwork for a Successful Job Search
When we realize that a job isn’t the right fit, or there is an unexpected job loss, it is vey common to charge forward without laying the...
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